Lazy Afternoon Games is a one person team who is a mom with an autistic child and a Bachelor's Degree in Game Development. Many of the games she creates are either for learning and practice game development and/or with her son in mind as well as any others who learn well from games. Since resources are limited such as art, graphics, sound, etc., she does the best she can with what is available.
After watching how her son learns and reacts to games, she has come up with simple ways to add things to games that her son and others can learn from without officially making them "educational" labeled games that often deters children from wanting to play.
While some of the things designed may seem simple to some and maybe even boring, there are often little things added that can help someone with a learning disability or just anyone who likes to learn something new. Sometimes just the theme itself helps people to learn something even if small and insignificant to some.
Lazy Afternoon Games are small and simple and designed for those lazy afternoons where relaxation and maybe a little bit of brain exercise is needed. Sometimes they are just there for fun and nothing else. We thank you for taking a look and giving our simple games a try. We look forward to hearing from you. (By "we", I mean me and my son!)